The New Turkish Airlines Lounge
On April 6, 2019, Istanbul Ataturk Airport officially ceased operations. All commercial flights were transferred to Istanbul’s new airport. Here is a first look at the new Turkish Airlines Lounge:
A glimpse into my journey around the world – where I share pictures, personal travel stories, experiences, and thoughts that promise relatable content with a touch of travel advice and destination information.
On April 6, 2019, Istanbul Ataturk Airport officially ceased operations. All commercial flights were transferred to Istanbul’s new airport. Here is a first look at the new Turkish Airlines Lounge:
My mission to visit every country in the world comes at a high cost. And I do not only mean financially. People tend to only see the end result—the posts, the stories, the photographs. But, nobody sees what happens behind the scenes. Sacrifice. I have sacrificed so much for one goal. Family. Friends. Relationships. Health….
Destination: Cabo Verde Getting to Praia from Chicago is easy—the most direct route is via Lisbon on TAP Air Portugal. However, getting to Praia for relatively cheap takes some creativity. I played around with the routes, and ultimately saved some money by making two separate flight reservations: 1. Chicago to Lisbon via Brussels on United…
Cabo Verde (or Cape Verde) was not on my radar for 2019. Working in the United States means I have a sad amount of annual leave at my disposal, meaning I have to use my weekends and time off wisely. I had slotted two or so weeks in February for a trip to Indonesia, Malaysia,…
Once dubbed “the North Korea of Africa”, Eritrea is slowly stripping itself of this controversial title. Or is at least trying. Since beginning this journey around the world, Eritrea was always one of the more difficult countries to visit. But, all of this changed in 2018 when new entry requirements made it easier for certain…